Forget Your Resolutions


Forget making New Years resolutions.  Few people keep their resolutions past the last day of January. Here’s something I learned that has been a great help with making and keeping goals. I hope you find it helpful.

This year set some S. M. A. R. T. E. R. Goals.

S = Specific.

Don’t be vague. Don’t be general such as “I want a new car.” Goals should be very specific: “I want a 1958 Porsche Speedster with Rudge knock offs, in Auratium Green with a black interior.” Specific goals are more real goals.

M = Measurable.

Goals must be measurable. “I will improve my lap times by one second by mid season.”

A = Actionable.

Start with an action verb. “I will find and purchase my first collector car by June of this summer.”

R = Realistic.

Goals need to be outside of your comfort zone but not so far that it is unrealistic. Don’t get delusional but do get well in to your discomfort zone.

T = Time-bound.

Without deadlines a goal is merely a dream. Set specific dates and deadlines that hold you accountable to meeting the time line.

E = Exciting.

Make it personally compelling. You have to get excited about your goals so when you are tempted to quit, you won’t. Set goals that build on your passions in life.

R = Relevant.

Make sure they are appropriate to your life, your lifestyle, and others that you are responsible for and your surroundings.

Share your goals with people who will be supportive and helpful. Write your goals down and keep the visible. Out of sight, out of mind. Review your goals weekly.

Now go forth and make 2015 your best year ever! You can do this. 

What is your big hairy audacious goal for 2015? I’ll be rooting for you.


  1. Great idea. Maybe easy to set them, but without lottery winnings, doubt mine are possible.
    Happy New Year to CarsYeah. One of the best car sites on the internet.
    I really enjoy all that you present. May 2015 bring the best to you and your show.

  2. Great blog! I am going to throw my resolutions out of the sun roof and focus on my goals and the road ahead of me. Thanks, Mark!

  3. Thanks Mark!
    Great advice and perfectly timed! I like your approach. I hope you achieved your goals for 2014, Cars Yeah is great because it is just like you!

  4. Good blog, Mark, but it goes against what my little brother has always told me: setting goals is the first step towards failure.
    Hope you can get that ’58 Speedster soon.

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