Ten Years

Tomorrow, May 28, 2024, is the mile marker and 10 year anniversary of the Cars Yeah podcast. Had you told me 10 years ago that I would produce over 2,500 shows and would earn over 3.8 million unique downloads I would have laughed. To those who have listened, supported me, spent the time to be my guests, and become my friends, from the bottom of my heart…

Thank You

This journey has taught me so much and most importantly introduced me to thousands of Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™, friends around the world, whom I would never had the pleasure of meeting. 

I Am Truly Grateful for This Journey


  1. Congratulations. It has been SUCH a pleasure working with you this past decade. From your very first guest ten years ago, Rick Cole, to a few this May, thank you for always treating my clients and associates so graciously, and with such kindness and patience. It’s true, speaking in public really is the number one fear, and you’ve made everyone on your show comfortable, relaxed, and confident enough to tell their own unique stories for all of us to hear.

    My favorite thing about Cars Yeah? You have preserved these very real and personal “windows” into the lives of many who are no longer with us, so that we may still listen and hear their voices, and they can share a bit of their wisdom and insight with future generations. Because of you, Mark, a part of them is still with us. Thank you for this.

  2. Congratulations. I am pleased you ‘ve had so much success. Keep the ball tolling !!!!

  3. This is amazing! Thank you for the continued content! You are an inspiration to new podcasters with your consistency and dedication! #carsyeah!!

  4. Congratulations Mark on ten years of introducing so many wonderful and unique automotive enthusiasts to we the listeners. Great seeing and talking to you at air/water!!

  5. Mark,
    It was such a pleasure to do your show last year. Your enthusiasm and professionalism is contagious. Thank you for inviting me to your “Car Party”. You have enriched us all.
    I have added our show to my website.

  6. Mark is an exceptional interviewer and makes it fun. Please contact Mark with your story and see if he can squeeze you in for an interview. I’ll bet (legally) that Mark has interviewed hundreds of people that you know (about). It’s fun, entertaining and educational. Go to his site and see for yourself.

  7. What a HUGE accomplishment, Mark! You have such a generous approach to people and their passions. I love that you give us all access to your archives, as you have been so prolific. Cheers to you for the DECADE, and soon you will be on to new adventures. Thank you for your many kindnesses and welcoming spirit.

  8. …. Prolific, doesn’t begin to describe your amazing aggregation of the best from the entire car culture. A veritable reference library of well known and lesser known experts we can get to know on both a professional and personal level. Thank you, Mark!

  9. CONGRATS we love the podcast may you have many more –DENNIS /

  10. Congratulations, Mark. You have made a huge and lasting contribution to the car and motorcycle world as a result of your oral history interviews.

  11. First and foremost! Thank you for making my 2 hours, each way, daily commute much more bearable. You have opened my eyes to the wonderful world of cars in every way, shape and form imaginable. Not only have we become personal friends. But you have given me the opportunity of reaching out to many of your guests to ask questions and advice. A simple subject line of: “I heard you on the Cars Yeah Podcast”, has led to many new friendships as well. Congratulations on the amazing milestone. Now maybe you can put the car in neutral and coast down the hill for a little bit. You deserve it.

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