The Secret

John D. Rockefeller, the Founder of Standard Oil, was once the richest man in the world. He was the world’s first billionaire. His net worth in 1916 was $1 billion and when he died in 1937, his net worth was estimated to be approximately $340 billion in today’s dollars. 

But was he really rich?

At the age of 53, his body became wracked with pain, he lost all his hair and was in total anguish. He could buy anything he wanted but could barely eat soup and crackers. Life meant nothing to him as doctors gave him less than a year to live, unable to treat his ailment. 

Then he had an epiphany. 

John awoke one morning, realizing he couldn’t bring any of his wealth with him to the grave, and decided to devote his assets to helping others. He founded the Rockefeller Foundation. He began to give his wealth away to help others and something amazing happened.

His body chemistry changed and he recovered.

Being a religious man, Rockefeller lived to be 98 years old and learned that through his wealth he had become a conduit to carry out God’s good will to help others. 

That’s The secret.

After 2,500 interviews with Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™ I’ve learned The Secret. We as humans are at our best when we find ways to help others. Small or large like Rockefeller, it doesn’t matter. Find a way to give without expecting anything back and you too will learn what John learned. With The Secret, your life will improve in ways you never imagined. 

  1. I agree. Live to give is the way to make a life. It’s one of the secrets of the universe. Good job telling everyone in a simple story so it’s no longer a secret!

  2. Amen to that Mark. One does not have to be rich to be generous. Giving time, a listening ear, or a helping hand when someone needs one is something we all can do. And no donation to a good cause is ever too small…

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