I try very hard to be available when people need my help. I suspect we all have people in our lives who drop what they are doing and help us. Those unique friends you can call in a pinch when you need their skill set, or their time, their tools, or their ear. I am very fortunate to have friends like that.
I call them “Super Friends”.
These “Super Friends” do things without any expectation of having their favor returned. They simply step up and do the right thing. Because they can. Because they choose to. And then there are people who do favors and expect the favor to be returned. They keep count. If you do a favor, and you do it expecting to get a favor in return, then it is almost certain that one thing will happen.
You will probably be let you down.
My parents taught me that favors are not for trading. They are not something you keep count of. Favors are something you do because it is simply the right thing to do. It is but one way to be a good person. And it should feel good to do favors. No matter how big or small or how much time it takes or how much it costs.
The best kind of favor is one that is done from the heart.
I want to thank all of my unique guests on Cars Yeah who took the time and did me a favor by being on the show. I greatly appreciate your time, your talents, your friendship, your stories, and your inspiration.
Great article Mark.