Not So Smart Einstein


One of the quotes Albert Einstein is known for was “Once you reach the age of thirty if you have not made your contribution (in science) to that field then you are not going to.” Certainly thirty is not the end of the road for making a difference.

Age is an advantage.

Too often we get frustrated if we haven’t made it in our vocation by a specific age. Sadly some begin to think they have passed their prime and it’s all downhill from here. Then the excuses kick in. A wise mentor once told me…

Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves.

I have had the honor of interviewing many inspiring people in the automotive field, that are well past 30, making a big difference. In all cases, these people are getting better and better at their crafts. They are contributing new and exciting services or products in the automotive field.

With age comes an obligation to act.

Experience has distinct advantages allowing you to make a difference. If you are older and want to start a new business in the field where you have passion, your age is an advantage. It allows you to apply wisdom to come to a solution. Get out there and create some fun. It is never too late.


A note of appreciation to Doctor, Scientist and Speaker Jonathan Sackner-Bernstien on TEDx.


  1. Great info Mark. And you should know. You have created a site that so many are enjoying after 20 years doing something else car related. Keep the interviews coming, please.

  2. Einstein might be right in cases where sheer brilliance is needed to re-set the course of scientific thought, but as a freshly minted professional at 32 it took years more before I felt fully qualified. There’s always time to get better at your job and learn new skills.

  3. A milkshake machine salesman into his 50’s, Ray Kroc was able to see opportunity and innovation, and took the tiny McDonald brothers restaurant business and turned it into the world’s largest fast food restaurant over the next 30 years. Vision, determination, risk, focus… all key personality traits of entrepreneurs.

  4. After 30 years in the printing industry doing something I really enjoyed, that was rewarding, and I was extremely good at, I changed careers. I am doing a job that I love, that is completely unrelated to my previous career, and combines my car passions, historical interests, attention to detail, photography, inter personal skills, and love of travel.

    Though it comes with a degree of risk, the willingness to change paths can be a great thing!

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