How To Get Younger


I write this on my 57th birthday. My how the years fly by and seem to accelerate with the passing of time. Since I am born close to the New Year, my birthday is a time for reflection, goal setting, and looking forward. One thing is for sure.

I’m not getting any younger.

A final word of advice is what I ask of the Cars Yeah podcast guests at the end of our talk. There is a common message that is often shared by these wise and inspirational people. Enthusiasts who have wrapped a passion for automobiles in to their spectacular lives and careers.

Get involved. Participate. No matter how small.

Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and for me my automotive wishes have always been bigger than my garage. I have big dreams and expensive taste when it comes to my idea of a special collector car. If you share this affliction it can often result in thinking that we can’t be a part of the fun. But as so many Cars Yeah guests have suggested you can and should get involved. You can set a goal to be a part of the fun this year no matter how small your budget or pressed your time may be. How?

Attend more car events.

Many car shows, track days, cars and coffee, and club events are free.

Join a car club.

You don’t have to own a car to join most clubs.

Subscribe to a car magazine.

You don’t have to get them all and most libraries have periodicals you can enjoy for free.

Purchase a fixer upper and have fun working on the thing.

Even if it’s not anything super special. Think of it as practice for the next ride.

Spend less and have the same amount of fun.

You don’t have to spend a fortune and you can get creative when it comes to finding parts. Junk yards. eBay. Forums. Friends. All will be a tremendous help.

Donate some of your time to a club, a racetrack, or an event.

You will meet some amazing people and you’ll get in to the event for free.

Let a child help you work on your car and sprout a life long passion.

Mentor a young person and teach him or her some skills.

The time is now. This is your year. Get involved. You’re not getting any younger but I know participating will help you feel younger.

  1. Good advice, Mark.
    In the words of a song “the world is spinning faster than it did when I was young.”

  2. I can relate to all that has been written. At 62 the world does seem to rotate faster and faster. I have always enjoyed restoring cars I only wish I had enough money to build a real shop. Great suggestions for 15 that I will try to follow. Thank you

  3. Congratulations on turning 57. Life is short, so every year is big.

    Thanks for the excellent advice in your blog. You always seems to have the right words I need to hear. The best to Cars Yeah in 2015. I’ll always be watching and listening.

  4. Great blog entry Mark. Love the focus on participation at all budget levels. I totally agree that if you look for deals and stay connected with others, you can pursue your passion and stay within a budget. And I think the joy comes from the process- not the final result. Sharing passion for the process with a child and teaching them about patience and living joyfully within a budget is a great gift. Along the lines of budgets and tips- for those BMW lovers out there-if you visit the BMW Museum in Munich they offer a 3 Euro discount if you are 60 or over and also if you are a BMW club member. And the museum is right off the public transit subway- absolutely no need for a taxi.

  5. Happy Birthday son. Your mom has always been proud of everything you have done. CarsYeah is a great site, and I know you are having fun with it. Congratulations on your 57th birthday for providing car lovers with such great interviews.

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