Turn Your Mirrors Down

©CarsYeahBlogDeciding to change your direction and go down a new road can be daunting. It can take a long time to realize you’ve been compromising and allowing things to hold you down. Understanding that you can turn your life around, and see a new dawn, and see beyond the road you’re driving down is finding your strength. Some times you simply have to turn your mirrors down and realize it is okay that you…

Don’t look back.

Cars Yeah guest Ian James, a lifelong professional race car driver, had qualified up front. It was one of his best starting spots on the grid at Donington Park Circuit. Team owner Tom Walkinshaw gave him a piece of advice that became Ian’s Ah-Ha moment in racing.

When you get in front of the pack, turn your mirrors down and don’t look back.

Cue up Boston. When you commit to a change and see a brand new way, the clouds will break and the sun will shine. You can’t lose if you don’t try and play the game. You’ll see what you couldn’t recognize and you’ll be stronger for taking a new road. Your new dawn will arrive and you’ll see beyond the road that you’re driving and smile at what you left behind.

 Don’t look back.

Can you see the dawn arriving? Can you see beyond the road you’re driving? What roads have you left behind?


Thank you Tom Scholz and Tom Walkinshaw for your inspiration.