Cry Only Once


When it comes to making that final, pull the trigger, transfer the funds, write the check, decision to purchase a collector car, all sorts of emotions creep in to that skull. Should I? Am I paying too much? What nasty surprises are lurking under the skin? Is it what the seller says it is? Is it a good investment? Is this a stupid move? Is there a better car out there?

Will it make me happy?

So many emotions wrapped in to that one final decision. In some cases, that moment has been a result of years in the making. Goals set. Dreams dreamt. Fortunes saved. Sacrifices made.

Will I get that dreaded buyer’s remorse?

So many automotive enthusiasts I talk to repeatedly suggest that you should buy a car because you like it, not because is may be a good investment. Make your decision as if you’ll be stuck with it for life. Fulfill your passion and don’t buy that car for the next guy. One of the best words of advice came from Cars Yeah guest, consummate collector, and car hobby champion Bruce Meyer. His advice works no matter what your budget.

Buy the best you can and cry only once.


One comment
  1. We’ve all made goofs. In my case usually because I put too much trust in the word of a seller or photos on the computer.
    Confidence in your purchase comes from your own research and car evaluation by an expert. Research is almost always cheap–books, chat rooms and discussions with owners at car shows, etc. Expert evaluation will cost some money, but might you save lots more. Plus, if the expert can also act as a broker, many details of the deal can be smoother. Buying what you love is most important. Even if you paid a bit too much (the optimist would say: bought ahead of the market), you won’t think of that afterwards when looking at or working on a car you love.

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