Brake Those Distractions



There are so many distractions these days. They create a gap between us as individuals, and often an even larger gap between parents and children. Too often they divide us rather than connecting us in a meaningful way.

What would happen if we turned off the distractions if even for an hour?

Imagine if you and your children, or partner, or spouse, were forced to interact for that precious hour. To simply communicate. To share some time in nature. To take a walk, and talk. To challenge. To create. To innovate. To repair.

What would you learn?

Now imagine losing your children. What would you give for those hours of time together? Now go unplug and take that time. Put the brakes on distractions.

Thank you to today’s Cars Yeah guest Doug Herbert for sharing his heartbreaking story and how it changed his focus. Take a moment and listen to his story. What you learn could save a life.


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