Please Pass The Gratitude


It’s Thanksgiving week and if you are fortunate, you’ll get to be with family and friends this Thursday. Many people won’t be so fortunate due to any number of circumstances. If you’re one of them rest assured…

Someone, somewhere is thinking about you.

Family gatherings can be challenging and sometimes past frustrations well up. Here’s how to keep them in check. Keep this word in the forefront of your mind when the red mist begins to form.


Focus on being grateful. Realize how fortunate you are to be in a place where you are warm, with others who care about you, and with plenty of food to fill your belly. When you are grateful, it is impossible to be angry, sad, lonely, or feel loss. Be sure to share your gratitude with those you’re with.

So in addition to passing the gravy, pass the gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving to you. I’m grateful you follow me on Cars Yeah and I wish you the best this season and go ahead, enjoy that second piece of pie.


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    Happy Thanksgiving Mark. Thursday fill me up!

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