Are you tired of the constant sales pitches you see on line and in your emails that imply something for nothing? Catch lines that end up being a disguised sales pitch. Free this, free that, free, free, free….
There is no free lunch.
When I created the Cars Yeah podcast my mantra became, “Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™”. I aspired to inspire others who wished they had a career around their passion for automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles by sharing a conversation with those who have accomplished that goal.
Best yet, Cars Yeah is free.
To date, I’ve shared 686 inspiring conversations with professionals from all walks of the automotive business world. Each of these guests shared, for free, their unique and interesting stories. But of course it’s not free because it requires time and time is our most precious and valuable commodity and yet, these people gave that freely.
So today I’m saying another thank you.
Thank you to my guest’s for their time. Thank you my followers for your time to read my blogs and listening to the Cars Yeah podcasts. I am truly grateful.
What thing of value are you willing to give away for free?