Last Saturday evening I enjoyed the opening to a new exhibit at the LeMay, America’s Car Museum, The Heroes of Bavaria. I took two car buddies and ran in to numerous friends from the car hobby. On my way home an important fact about happiness stuck in my mind.
Great relationships keep us happier and healthier.
A great fact I’ve learned after nearly four years of interviewing over 1,000 Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts is that people who work in the field in which they are passionate are happier than others. A recent 75-year study by Harvard discovered that if you have healthy relationships, your chance of survival increases by 50%. Nearly everything in life is impacted by WHO is around you, and how those people support you.
The best relationships are built on a very simple foundation: Giving and Gratitude.
When the focus is on what you can give, rather than what you can get, the relationship becomes a gift to both of you. In the car hobby, people are almost always willing to help. They don’t hold back. They don’t keep score.
Automotive enthusiasts give freely and that has a powerful effect on the giver and the receiver
So be sure to get out and attend as many events you can this spring and summer. You’ll be surrounded by people who share your passion and are willing to share with you. I’m betting you’ll do the same.