Driver Change

When I launched Cars Yeah, over ten years ago, I did it with the goal that some day, when I was ready to pull into the pits, I would find a person who could carry on the mission of Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™.  After three years of searching and talking with a lot of people who were interested in taking over the show I am excited to share that there will be a new driver, host, producer, and owner of Cars Yeah in 2025. 

I am eternally grateful for your listenership, your kindness, the friendships I have made, and your support for these last 10 plus years. It is my hope that you continue to listen and give the new driver the same support you extended to me. Reach out and let your thoughts be known because a fresh look is always a good thing. 

So who is this new  inspiring automotive enthusiast driving Cars Yeah? Please listen to this Thursday’s show and meet her.

She’s going to inspire you!


Photo above by past Cars Yeah guest Mike Lempert. Thank you Mike!


  1. Mark, your audience is grateful for all the inspiring “rides” and the beautiful people and places you’ve brought us to with the stories and advice.
    You are still in the car, just enjoying the road from the comfort of the backseat!
    Welcome to the new person at the wheel!
    PS: I bought a new to me car… I need a new Cars Yeah sticker!

  2. Mark:
    Thank you for this road trip you have brought all your listeners on for all these years. You have exposed the car community to like minded individuals that have done some pretty cool stuff. Can’t tell you how it made my passion for car events so much easier. After listening to an episode. It was very easy to pick up a phone or shoot an email to someone you interviewed. I have made so many new friends this way. As you ride off into the sunset. All I can say is; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and God Speed on your new travels.
    Rich Pepe #1141

  3. Mark. As one of the first to break ground with you on Cars Yeah, I commend you on your tenacity, creativity and the quality of your product. After 25 years developing my Allard J2X MkIII to a state of the art classic roadster, I share your desire to move on and discover a new life. I wish your new person all the continued success that you have so carefully created with Cars Yeah.
    Life is short Mark. Take full advantage of every precious moment that will be offered to you.
    Roger Allard
    Allard Motor Works Inc.

  4. Mark, I wish you well on your journey. This road trip with cars was heightened by your willingness, ability and passion. For that I am eternally grateful. Stay cool.
    Tony Colombini #544

  5. Hey Mark,
    Thanks for 10 plus years of insight into our great hobby, cars, yea!
    Hope you find the next chapter as fulfilling as we have found your creation.
    Always keep the door open to drop in and say hi.
    Best of luck in the future!

  6. Congratulations, Mark! Thank you for taking us all on such an exciting ride over the last 10 years.

  7. #1322 is eternally grateful and wishes you many enjoyable years on the road. Looking forward to hearing from the new driver! Aloha!

  8. I had the honor of being one of your guests.
    By looking a the caliber of people you interviewed, a phrase from the ineffable Groucho Marx comes to mind: “Ï wouldn’t like to belong to a club that would accept me as a member”, or something along these lines. In any case, I’m grateful for the distinction.
    Until next time…and thank you for many hours of automotive joy.
    Hector Cademartori

  9. Honored to have been one of your guests, Mark. That was a good interview and I enjoyed being in your Hot Seat!
    Dare we hope that YOU will be the new host’s first “victim”???
    — Pete Lyons

  10. Riding along with you all these years has been a blast Mark! It was also an honor to be interviewed by you on show No.1981. I know all your loyal fans and followers will readily kick-in their support to make sure the tank’s always full, the oil and tires are checked, and that the road ahead is clear for more CARS YEAH adventures. Oh yeah, don’t forget to smoke the tires on your way out…

  11. Thank you, Mark, for doing over 2000 fascinating interviews. They are a great record of many elements of the classic car world over the last ten years. And thank you, of course for including me. Happy to know it will carry on.

  12. Mark –
    Thank you for giving the automotive community a wonderful place to visit and make new friends. You are the “Classic” in everyone’s garage.

    All the best,

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