Driving Through Fear


We all experience fear. Fear will stop you in your tracks. It applies the brakes to your progress, or worse, it stops you from even starting what could be an epic journey. Fear creates what race car drivers call “The red mist.” Fear allows us to lose focus. Fear keeps us from experiencing new adventures, from setting new goals, and it invites us to simply fit in.

Fear doesn’t like strangers, and mostly it hates the unknown.

Fear can be so subtle that we ignore the obvious environment it creates. Fear is a siphon in our gas tank that will empty our reserves while tricking us in to thinking we are safe. Fear is the lie we tell ourselves that keep us from trying.

Fear fuels mediocrity.

Cars Yeah guests Rhonda Cahill and Rachelle Croft are great examples of women who choose to drive through fear. These two Montana moms are teammates at Team Xelles. They participate in the world’s longest and most difficult all female off-road rally, the Rallye Aïches des Gazelles in Morocco. Rhonda’s mantra is “I choose joy.” Rachelle’s mantra is “If something looks scary you should probably do it.”

When fear strikes you, that is the time to drive straight through.

You will be inspired by their interviews on Cars Yeah.

Photo credit Nicole Dreon- Merzouga Dunes, Morocco