Ferrari Fly Yellow


Thank you for subscribing to the Cars Yeah blog. The podcast/interviews are coming in nicely and if you have not had a chance to listen to a few, or all of them, please take some time to be inspired. They are now on iTunes and Stitcher Radio or you will find them all here. Please take a moment to leave a review on iTunes. That will really help me out.

The guests have been extremely generous and very inspirational. 

I ask each guest to share a final word of advice before they drive off in to the sunset. A recurring message is to do what you love. Do what you are passionate about. Do what you really want to do with your life. Go to where you are drawn.

Cars Yeah was created to Inspire.

I have received some very enthusiastic emails from people who have discovered Cars Yeah. Some have told me exactly what I dreamed of hearing. That the stories the guests share about their enthusiasm for their automotive careers have inspired listeners to take a step closer to doing just the same. Cars Yeah has drawn them to think more about their passions and their dreams.

Just like flies to a Giallo Fly Ferrari.

Little did I know when I shot a close up of that Fly Yellow Daytona Ferrari, in 2009 at the Concorso Italiano event in Monterey California, that I would one day be interviewing Tom McDowell, who puts on that “bellissimo” event every summer. Tom’s parting advice was, “If you find something you like, try  to make a living doing what you are passionate about. Follow your heart and ignore the naysayers.”

Has Cars Yeah inspired you?

What are you passionate about? What do you want to do with your life? Share it here and be inspiring to others.