Juggling Habits


Have you ever tried to juggle balls? It’s like syncing a row of carburetors. It takes practice. Practice is repetition. And if you want to learn how to get a row of carbs in sync, you’re going to have to practice. That means dropping some balls and a lot of bending over to pick them up.

If you want to learn to juggle, you better enjoy practicing.

The concept of a habit is easy to imagine. I’m going to exercise every day. I’m going to learn a new skill.  I’m going to get faster on the track. But habits are hard to keep because they don’t produce immediate results. And most of us want immediate results. Immediate success. Immediate gratification.

Create habits that you can stick with.

People who are successful with habits are usually practicing a habit they enjoy. So the answer to achieving success is simple. Select a habit you enjoy doing over and over, again and again. Juggling is hard but you’re worth it.


One comment
  1. Those aren’t carburetors.

    (Just me being a smart-ass – like I need practice at that! – thanks for the columns Mark, I really enjoy reading them. You are an excellent writer.)
    – Steve

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