Just Start


Cars Yeah SpykerWhen the idea for Cars Yeah, the podcast and website, was percolating in my skull, it was so far removed from what I had spent the last 30 years doing that I kept stalling out.  Not unlike any new big idea or goal one may have, you keep telling yourself why it will fail.  Excuses flood the mind.  They get in the way of taking that first step in any new and daring project. And as a result, you simply don’t start.

Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves.

Momentum is required.  Anything you can do to begin moving the idea forward that will gain some measurable gain is a win.  Jeremy Clarkson, star of Top Gear once said, “Speed never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary…that’s what gets you.”  Stationary is what gets you. Not moving is what gets you. Anyone in to cars knows…

You can’t steer a parked car.

On any great adventure, just starting, just moving a little bit forward, will begin the process.  That first step, so you begin to build momentum, is key.   (Cue up Dale Earnhardt) – “Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.”  Rest assured, there will be many things that will endanger your progress.  Lots of roadblocks along the way that are not your creations.  Those people who tell you you’re nuts.  But don’t stop.  Keep going forward.  Stay in the race no matter how far back you may be.  Always remember the most important step in any journey is the first one.

 Just turn the key and start.

What do you want to start today?  Share your start today.

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