The Look Back


Ferrari Cars Yeah

Producing the Cars Yeah podcast has provided me with inspirational conversations. Enjoyable experiences with many unique and talented individuals. This is exactly what I expected. I look forward to every guest and all the insightful ideas and experiences they share on their interview.  I trust you are enjoying them as well.

Sharing stories with inspirational enthusiasts is a real treat. 

I had the pleasure of talking with Wayne Carini this week, host of Chasing Classic Cars.  Wayne is one of those people that what you see is what you get. He is a true, life long car guy who’s passion for anything that rolls on rubber is evident the moment he begins to speak.  Wayne shared his history of working on cars with his father as a boy. Working with the great Luigi Chenetti, and his challenges and blessings with his daughter Kimberly who is autistic.

The Look Back

Wayne’s parting advice revolved around knowing when it was time to sell a collector car.  Any enthusiast knows that owning a special car is a relationship. It has its ups and downs. Trials and tribulation. Those tests of patience and many moments of sheer exhilaration.  Any true automotive enthusiast knows about the “look back.” That moment when you park your car, truck or bike and just as you are walking away, you stop, and look back. I did it with my first Schwinn Stingray. Candy Apple Red with pinstripes that I added using my Testors model paint. Every time I parked it at school and walked to class, I looked back.

Time to say goodbye

Wayne suggested, that when you stop looking back, perhaps it’s time to let that ride go. The thrill is gone. The love is lost. That ecstatic feeling has waned. And in the world of buying, owning, restoring, and selling collector cars, when the thrill is gone, it is time to say goodbye. It is the same with many experiences in life.

You can enjoy Wayne Carini’s interview here.

What kind of look back stories do you have to share?