The Power of Awareness


Before you know what your calling in life is, you must believe you are called to do something.

It is awareness that prepares us for the call.

So many of my guests on Cars Yeah were working in careers where they were successful. Yet, somehow they were a little bit, or a lot, dissatisfied. It was then that their awareness of this feeling allowed them to take a some times scary yet always bold step. And they asked themselves…

What is my dream?

Sadly many people have no idea what their dream is. When we are children and our minds are uncluttered with the thought of failure it’s an easy question to answer. A fireman. A race car driver. An astronaut. What if you have no idea what you should do? No idea of what your passion is?

You do know. You’re just afraid to admit it.

Instead of being afraid of failing what if you became afraid of not trying?

You can begin by being aware.