Time to Throttle Back

Ten years ago I created Cars Yeah with the motto Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™. My goal was to share stories of successful people who have wrapped their passion for automobiles into their lives, careers, and businesses. Today, after 2,500 shows, I’ve come to a crossroad where a change is beckoning me.

Beginning Next Week Cars Yeah Will Change to One Show a Week

I am at a point in my life where I want to spend more time with my family, on myself, and on other important projects.

My Gratitude to You Listeners and My Guests is Immense

I would have never dreamed how many positive impacts there have been on my life as a result of thousands of conversations. I have expanded my circle of friends to include automotive enthusiasts around the world. I hope that these conversations have enriched your life and I encourage you to take some new roads as often as possible that will enrich your life.

Here is Your Chance to Go On Your Own Fun Ride

I’m ready to hand over the keys to the Cars Yeah mic for the next Inspiring Automotive Enthusiast. This is your chance to jump in the driver’s seat and set off on a journey in a finely sorted, expertly tuned, and trusted venture. The processes and procedures are in place to begin your own drive. Imagine spending your days talking with interesting people from all over the world, running your own business, and doing it with an established brand that includes a built-in platform and audience.

Rev It Up and Welcome To Cars Yeah

If this sounds like fun to you, reach out to me, via email please, and I will share more. Like any great classic, this ride isn’t ready to be parked in a barn and forgotten. Until then I hope to see you down the road.



  1. It has been a wonderful contribution that you have made to the automotive world Mark. We have all been enriched by your work, and you have created an incredible historical record for future generations to enjoy. I bet screen writers and authors will pull from these records to create scripts and books for a long time to come. Thank you and I also appreciate your friendship and the opportunity to have been a guest on one of your shows. Enjoy a well-deserved retirement with friends, family and self! Garry (#1784: Chrome and Colour author)

    • Mark,

      I’ve enjoyed working with you on an almost weekly basis since interview number one (Rick Cole) ten long years ago, and before that actually when you were with Griot’s Garage.

      One show a week is THE perfect number for listeners to keep up with in today’s busy world. With this news, you may actually find more people tune in to your show. I think it’s a great move, ESPECIALLY since it allows you to focus more on you (friends/family/projects) in life.

      I think everyone who sees this will agree with me and we’re excited you will be giving us more interesting shows to tune into on the road, in the garage, and elsewhere. Thank you for bringing is all a bit closer together.

      Love you my friend,


  2. Well Mark it has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to be on your show and to know you over the years. Always a great treat to meet you on the fields and to know so many other of our kind. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for us. Now you have time to come drive some Ferraris with me across the California deserts !!
    Thank you Mark.
    Donnie Callaway

  3. Congratulations, Mark!
    In the global ‘world of wheels’ where originals like the Model T, Volkswagen Beetle, Ferrari Testarossa, the original Ford Mustang, and the Pontiac GTO contributed truly inspiring and innovative ideas, your vision and keen insight for a “first” in the realm of automotive media is a gift to all of us in car culture.

    Like ‘Star Trek’ took Science Fiction audiences in TV to galaxies where no one has ever gone before (but everyone speaks English!), Cars Yeah has introduced the most unique and original radio/podcast concept of personality and ‘car people’ profiles in our industry. Best of inevitable continued successes to you as you shift from the ‘chicanes’ of multiple daily shows to the new ‘straightaway’ of your ‘one-show-per-week’ program. Where many have been limited to imitate, you continue to innovate!
    “Carpe Weekly!”
    Steve Ford

  4. Mark, You have become a legend in the Automotive community thanks to your ability to innovate and execute flawlessly on your Cars Yeah podcast. 10 years, man it can go by so fast can’t it? So thankful to have been a guest on your show and have you as a guest on mine. I cant wait to see what you do next!

    Dean Morash

  5. Mark you are a natural at interviews and pulling the most interesting things out of people’s life experiences. Your style is easy going, informed, engaging and professional. What you have created is unique in the automotive podcast world and has enriched us all. To meet so many (2500) impactful personalities and give us a window into their lives and successes has been motivating.
    I am sure someone will recognize the immense value of Cars Yeah and try to continue the legacy. Good luck with your transition my good friend.

  6. Mark, You are a critical and enthusiastic link to Car Culture and I for one remain grateful for your artilces, insights and inspiration to the hobby we all love and share.
    Jack Loughran
    Hagerty Insurance

  7. Mark, we are so appreciative of your contributions to the automotive world, and we look forward to your next adventure! As a previous guest (#777), I know it was very exciting for me, and my daughter Ruby (#776), to be a part of CarsYeah! And we are very proud and thankful for the opportunity to publish CarsYeah podcasts on CarShowSafari. We will update the new weekly schedule on our CarsYeah page, and send out an email blast as well. Again, thank you so very much for everything you do for the automotive hobby, and best of luck in your future endeavors!
    Tommy Scalera,

  8. Thank you, Mark, for all of your wonderful articles you shared with us. Blessings to you in your future endeavors!
    Lucetta Lightfoot

    • Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! You’ve been a huge part of my life for the past ten years— I’ve listened to every single episode. During the pandemic, my hectic work travel life transitioned from an airplane to a car temporarily (I loved it!) and I did six cross-country trips listening to Cars Yeah episodes back-to-back the whole way across the country. There’s a genius to your interview style that really struck me through immersion in 15-20 episodes per day. Gosh, I’m not sure what I’m going to do now… but, I sure wish you Godspeed in your next adventures.

  9. Mark!
    Congratulations! How exciting for you, and your family must be so pleased that there will be more room in your schedule to be with them. Your library is deep and extensive so we have much to educate and entertain us. Thank you for your welcoming spirit; your passion and humility are inspiring.
    All our best to you here at David Bull Publishing. Thank you for your friendship.
    Maria Bull

  10. Congratulations on 2,500 shows Mark – and your plans for all those “Yeah” moments in the days and years ahead! I was honored to be one of your guests and to become a friend. Maybe this is the year we’ll finally find time for a get-together during Monterey Car Week. And if you ever head down my way to the Santa Ynez Valley, there will always be a guest room available.
    Wishing you all the best!

  11. I very much enjoyed being interviewed by you about my life long passion for sports cars and the book I wrote about my Vietnam War experiences. All the best to you going forward.

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