Everyone has the tools to be creative. And here is a little secret…
Our happiness comes from being creative.
Existentialism is a philosophical theory that people are free agents who have control over their choices and actions. It is the key to learning why we exist. People often ask how do I find happiness? That is not the right question because it is a false goal.
Happiness is not a goal you can pursue.
A better question is what is my purpose? Because when you have a purpose happiness comes as a byproduct, naturally. You have to give yourself your own purpose. Nobody can give it nor demand it from you.
First you have to find your life’s purpose.
Here is how. Find something that you love doing, if only a little bit each day, and you’ll be a much happier person. At the end of the day you have to put in the work, put in the time, and earn your rewards. Find your purpose and the reward is happiness.
A thank you to Cars Yeah guest Paul Schneider for his inspiration for this blog.
Being self satisfied is the end of being creative…
Very good advice. “I got a Special Purpose”!!