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Miles C. Collier has spent a lifetime in cars. An ex-race car driver, from a family of car lovers, he has spent what he calls many “grubby-fingered” hours fixing and restoring historical automobiles, and thousands more driving a broad array of them. He is a firm advocate of the automobile as the most important technological artifact of the 20th century. He is the founder of Revs Institute®, regarded as one of the greatest repositories of automobile resources in the world.  It houses a collection of over 100 historical, exceptional automobiles and has an extensive archive. Miles C. Collier believes in building lasting cultural legacies that can be used and interpreted to inform generations to come. The Archaeological Automobile is his new book devoted to doing just that: it is a legacy resource that assigns the car its rightful place at the cultural center of the contemporary world.


Covercraft    •   American Collectors Insurance   •   Autogeek   •   Linkage Magazine   •    Techforce Foundation    •   RPM Foundation 


Miles family background is seated deep in the automobile and his goals to preserve and understanding of historical automobiles.


The simple issue of sequencing and secondarily the ‘state-of-mine’ issue. 


Bali blue Porsche 356C 1600SC

1919 Ballot Type 5/8LC Racing Car


The Archaeological Automobile by Miles C. Collier*


If you engage with some subject and you think about it deeply, you will be utterly stunned with the ideas and where you come out.


Collier Autommedia



If you enjoyed this show, please go to Apple Podcast and leave me a five-star review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out and help others to be inspired by Cars Yeah. * indicates a past Cars Yeah guest.

  1. Wow! What an interesting and educational show. Especially for someone who is not in the field, but is interested. It certainly left me with lots more knowledge and care for the automobile. Mr. Collier’s book is a great gift idea for your friends who are inspired and want to learn more about this world of cars. I don’t think he missed anything when it comes to historical automobiles. Thanks for sharing. So enjoyable.

  2. Really great conversation! During the 20 year restoration of my car I have been saying that I’m more of an archaeologist to help others understand better what it takes to correctly restore my rare car. The book will be interesting reading.

  3. Dear Mr. Collier,
    I have come into possession of the personal documents of Gerorge C. Rand. It appears he was a pioneer as an one of the first or first to race a Ferrari as an American. He was also connected to Briggs-Cunningham. I would like to get these documents into the hands of someone who would appreciate them without charge, except maybe shipping costs. If that is you or anyone you can recommend, I would appreciate the referral.
    Kind regards,
    Blake Beecher

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