Start Next Year Today

Today on Cars Yeah I hit another mile marker and surpassed 1,700 Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™ shows. A huge benefit of talking with so many people, and asking them to share their lives, are the multitude of lessons they teach me about having a successful and happy life.

Today’s 1,701 guest is Steph Jeavons from Wales. 

Steph was the first person to circumnavigate the globe riding a motorbike across all seven continents. She did it all on a Honda CRF250L and her adventure took her to 54 countries over 4 years. 

But her story started in prison. 

While locked up Steph decided to make a list of how she was going to improve her life once free. She made a list starting with  getting off of heroin. Next up, exploring the world. It seems being locked up helps you appreciate the little things in life that most of us take for granted. No kidding!

That To Do List kept her going.

2020 has exceeded all of our expectations when it comes to difficulty. One of the benefits it has taught me is to focus on the little things and learn to appreciate them more. Make daily to do lists and it is amazing how, over time, you’ll find yourself in an entirely new space. I would have never dreamed of talking with over 1,700 people when I began my Cars Yeah journey. 

Make the decision to start next year today by making a list.

When faced with adversity, challenge, or a task that seems too big to undertake, do what Steph did while sitting in that prison cell. Make a list and start ticking off the boxes. No matter how big the goal, break it down into small chunks. It’s the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” And most of all remember Steph’s words of encouragement…

You’ve got this.

Get your copy of Home By Seven here: Steph Jeavons

Enjoy my talk with Steph here: Interview #1,701 with Steph Jeavons


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