The Search For Truth

“The search for truth is more precious than its possession.” – Albert Einstein 

Albert was a pretty smart fellow.

Seeking truth, information, and knowledge relates well to our enjoyment of the automobile. Those of us who love to work on and drive our cars know, it is not so much about getting the task completed nor reaching our destination. The true reward is the process along the way.

Focusing on the process is your roadway to truth.

You may get way off course in order to reach your goal but the process is far more important, and should be far more enjoyable than the final destination or result. When we embark on a repair or a restoration project with only the end in mind, we usually complete it and say…

“Okay, what now?”

If you are seeking truth, try and focus more on the process and the journey. By doing, so you will receive far greater joy than the end result delivers. 

I took these photos at the 2018 Ironstone Concours where owners of some delicious old race cars took attendees for the rides of their lives. These magnificent gentlemen really know how to find the truth in life.